I'm so happy I got the chance to spend time with him the last few days of 2011. On December 27, he followed me and my friends to Starbucks, Rockwell. That was so sweet of him. I really appreciate it whenever he decides to meet up with me despite the distance and despite the very short time that we will be together. It was my first time to see him personally in eyeglasses and I think it really looks cute on him. :) But I prefer him without the glasses because that's his natural look. Either way, he still looks good. And I still love him. When we were about to go home, he got disappointed when he knew that I didn't buy medicine for my cough. So he bought some for me. Thank you baby and until now I'm still sorry :) ♥
Next day, December 28, my first time to cook for someone (aside from my family). When he told me he would be having lunch in our house before he brings me to work, my initial reaction was, "PATAY." =)) And then I thought that would be a good opportunity to own up to my promise that I would one day cook for him. I decided to cook spaghetti. I did my best. I hope he was satisfied :| He said he was. I hope that's for real. HAHAHA! Later that night, he fetched me from work then we went to Starbucks. We strolled. And it was the most enjoyable stroll in my life. And that was the last time we saw each other that year. ♥

Last November 2011, I asked God for a sign--that if Daniel would be able to go with me to a church activity on December 3, I would say yes to him on January 3, 2012. So I told him about the event. I mentioned it to him only once. Because if it's really God's plan that he would go, he will be able to go even without me repeating it to him over and over. A few days before December 3, I kept praying hard that he would be able to go because that, for me, may be the turning point. Evening of December 2, he told me that he would be able to go. I still didn't expect because a lot of things may happen in a few hours. I didn't want to expect until we are already at the venue. Honestly, I found it hard to expect because it was too good to be true. I was overwhelmed. December 3 came...I wore the shirt his mom gave me...He fetched me from work...We went to Greenbelt...He bought clothes for my aunt's birthday party on the 13th...We ate at May Grace...We went to the BIG 7 Event at CCF Makati--THE SIGN. I was ecstatic by the time we stepped on the grounds of CCF Makati. My heart couldn't stop leaping for joy. I couldn't explain it. At the same time, I couldn't express it because I shouldn't tell him. I was planning to surprise him on January 3. ♥

I was worried we wouldn't see each other on January 3. Our schedules were in conflict and I saw no way that we could meet up. I didn't want to do it over the phone, through a text message or anything not face-to-face. I was losing hope. I thought maybe it isn't meant to be. Dramatic but true. Haha.
Around December 31, my high school friend, Michelle, and I decided to have a mini reunion. She asked me where and when we could have it. I suddenly thought that it could be THE CHANCE that Daniel and I could meet up even for just a very short while. I suggested that we have our reunion on January 2 at Resorts World. That way, Daniel would be finished with his work by the time we finish watching a movie. The plan is set. :D
I told him about the plan. He told me that he would agree only if he would be the one to bring me home. GREAT! I would have more time ♥♥♥. Thank you, Lord! :)
January 2 came. I had dinner and movie with my friends. At around 12:20am on January 3, 2012, we met up at Resorts World. He didn't have any idea about my plan. He said he was hungry. Another YES for me. That would mean MUCH MORE OPPORTUNITY to say my piece. HAHAHA! When we got to KFC, the place where we sat didn't really give me the kind of mood that I wanted to have. There were some people around and there was this big cockroach. I thought to myself that I wouldn't let that opportunity pass without succeeding with my plan. We left KFC.
We got inside the premises of California Garden Square. Before getting out of his car, I told him I have to tell him something. He was surprised. I couldn't explain the expression on his face that time. I don't know if he got sad or terrified of what I was about to say or wala lang. I told him to turn off the radio because he might not hear me well. That made him even more nervous. It took me quite a while before I spilled it out. I did my best to look sad and worried also but I don't know if I succeeded on that part haha. I planned on scaring him first so that he will really be surprised when I tell him the real thing. And then I finally said, "Wag mo na ako ligawan.........." His reaction got worse. I felt the anxiousness that came over him. He asked why. At around 1:30am, I said, "..........kasi sinasagot na kita" ♥♥♥ He couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it either. He even asked me if I was serious and if it was for real. So cute! :) He was so happy. I was so happy. We were both soooooo happy!! ♥♥♥ Until now, the whole event is still very vivid in my mind. We tried taking a picture to capture THE MOMENT. ♥♥♥

January 6, 2012 -- our first official date as an official couple ♥♥♥. It was one of our ever-perfect dates. He fetched me from work and toured me around their place. His territory naman this time. I'm so happy about the cellphone protector that we bought. He told me that the pink one is better. So i got the pink one. It's so prettyyyyy! ^_^ Then he made taste this super delicious empanadita. Yummm!

The best part of that day was when he brought me to their house. Upon entering their gate, his mom was already there gladly welcoming me. She's so sweet. I am not surprised why her son is the way he is right now.♥ I thought it would just be a simple dinner with his parents. But it wasn't. Two of his friends were there and their moms. When his 2 friends arrived, they have 1 artificial rose each and this very sweet cartolina...

January 7, 2012 -- Our second official date which, again, was one of our ever-perfect dates. This time it was with my mom. He parked his card here at CGS and then we commuted going to Megamall. We window-shopped and then went to Dairy Queen. After DQ, Daniel and I watched "Enteng ng Ina Mo" while mom goes to St. Francis Tiangge. After the movie, we continued walking around. He bought new shoes for work. And then we met up with mom again. My baby made the 3 of us have dinner at Mey Lin Pot & Noodle House. ♥

We walked home. We stayed in his car for a while before he left. HAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA!

Nope, it doesn't stand for Singapore. What it stands for is our little secret ;) HAHAHA!
January 8, 2012 -- He fetched me from work and brought me home before fetching his sister from work . And then.........HAHAHAHAHA.....he left ♥
Baby, I know you'll be reading this. I wrote this because of your request. I love you so much! I know you know that. And like what I told you before, I hope my actions would be loud enough to make you how much I love you.♥