Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 15

July 5, 2011

As usual, this day was nice. Fun :D

We practiced our dance number. Discussed. ATE. ATE. ATE. I totally ate a lot :O

I thought he wouldn't text me, but yey he did! Haha. All i can say is,


Tagal ko na toh hindi nafifeel! And I can really say that I miss this feeling. This getting-to-know stage or whatever you call it. I know that this may not lead to anything. He might even just be a very good friend. But I what I'm sure of is that I am happy. Tamang kilig at saya lang :)

I had my pedicure when I got home. Home service. Nothing beats home service pedicure. Haha. Looking forward for a full-body massage next time :D

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