November 26 (Wednesday) - Ordinary day. We had no Joseriz. Abbie cut class haha. We watched "American Adobo". Kel and I sat in front. What else? Cathwor, as usual, was boring.
November 27 (Thursday) - Such a wonderful day! I started it nice and ended it the same way. I just got a little irritated when my favorite professor (sarcastic) scolded me for a fault that I didn't even do! @#*&^*@#&^@!!! Grr. Ok so he was roll-calling us for the attendance and he accidentally skipped my name (for the second time!). So i raised my hand to tell him that he didn't call me. And all of a sudden he just got mad and told me that I wasn't listening to him that's why I didn't hear my name. My seatmate and the one in front of me didn't even hear it too!! In addition to that, he even thought that my last name was the name that he was calling before I raised my hand. Do you get the picture? So he was mad and didn't even listen to me. I know I wasn't the one who looked stupid. He did. Oh well. That didn't overpower me for the next 5 minutes. During the break, I bought an application form for YHE. After class, my friend PJ and I had lunch in House Blends. Of course it was his treat. I feel kind of shy because he always pays. I mean, should I really feel obligated to like have a part of the bill? Yes, I know that the guy or the one who invited is the one who should pay but I just don't know why I feel obligated to pay. Maybe because I'm not used to it? Because I got used to being the one who pays or KKB? Haha. Such a loser. But I had fun. So much fun =)
November 28 (Friday) - Our group prepared cream of broccoli & mushroom, grilled chicken, fake Italian pizza, pesto, and mango float.
So there. I guess that's it. An overwiew. See ya ^___^